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Knowledge Service Application of the Belt and Road Countries Indexes
编号:S000072813 刷新日期: 有效日期至:2022-12-04 浏览:2493 对接邀请:0
意向价格: 面议
行业分类: 装备制造业
所在区域:中国 - 上海 技术领域:社会管理及公共服务 - 其它
专利类型:非专利 技术成熟度:通过小试

Achievement: Knowledge Service Application of the Belt and Road Countries Indexes

Achievement Owner: Shanghai Ruanzhong Information Technology Co., Ltd

Introduction: The knowledge service application of the Belt and Road countries indexes is positioned to meet the needs of governments and businesses in countries along the Belt and Road to learn about investment, trade, science and technology. Based on the latest research data from the International Knowledge Centre for Engineering Sciences and Technology (IKCEST) under the auspices of UNESCO and Xi’an Jiaotong University, through developing an index system and model, and by collecting, cleaning and calculating a massive amount of data, the knowledge service application presents the users with indexes of investment potentials, rule of law development and science and technology innovation in countries along the Belt and Road. The application can also provide users with data support and decision-making tools by predicting future development trends in specific fields of different countries through data mining and analysis.

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机构地址:宁夏银川市金凤区新昌西路紫荆花商务中心B座四楼 查看地图