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Airgloss - Indoor air quality keeper (electronic n
编号:S000072099 刷新日期: 有效日期至:2020-05-22 浏览:2975 对接邀请:0
意向价格: 面议
行业分类: 装备制造业
所在区域:其他国家 - 技术领域:能源与环保 - 可再生能源开发利用
专利类型: 技术成熟度:可以量产
SYSTEMDESIGN is a R&D Company providing services in the following areas:1) Research on renewable energies, in particular CPV - Concentrated Photovoltaic and CSP -Concentrated Solar Power.2) Systems and sensors for environment, indoor and outdoor air quality monitoring.3) Wireless sensor networks, IoT and cloud managment of remote machines. Nadir Technology rried out with one of our customer in Brescia (Italy), the reduction of ammonia nitrogen has been equal to 75%, starting from an initial concentration of ammonia nitrogen of 3 g/l.  Nitrogen AbatementInnovative WIXTA reactor CHR for the nitrogen abatement has all the requirements to revolutionize the field of sewage treatment as well as wastewater treatment.
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SystemDesign / Stelnet SR