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Spirulina series product promotion project
编号:S000072922 刷新日期: 有效日期至:2024-11-22 浏览:1292 对接邀请:0
意向价格: 面议
行业分类: 文化/卫生/教育业
所在区域:中国 - 宁夏 技术领域:医疗卫生 - 生物医药
专利类型:非专利 技术成熟度:可以量产

Yanchi Yijian Bioengineering Co., Ltd. was registered and established in December 2012, and put into operation in June, 2013. It is the key leading enterprise of agricultural industrialization at the autonomous region level, and the only scientific and technological export enterprise in Ningxia engaged in Spirulina culture, production, processing and sales. It mainly produces high-quality Spirulina series products and R & D and production of phycoblin natural pigment (belonging to nutrition) Health food has powerful function, has antibacterial and anti-cancer anti radiation, and improves immunity, especially for cancer auxiliary treatment, blood lipid reduction, iron deficiency anemia, diabetes, malnutrition. The company has successfully developed the leading culture technology (Spirulina in carbon dioxide culture and Chlorella oxyferment) in the same industry in China through expert experimental research and technical guidance. The implementation of this technology makes the products produced by the company reach the green pollution-free level, and adopts the fully closed track type culture technology The plant is continuously screened with silk fabric for algae collection, drying, screening powder, grading, packaging and storage.


The new plant area of the company will be expanded in 2020 with a total investment of 120 million yuan, with an annual output of 1000 tons of spirulina powder and 84 tons of export-grade phycocyanin production line. After the completion of the project, each unit will use the area: the comprehensive utilization breeding shed demonstration area accounts for 491730 square meters, the algae receiving workshop accounts for 2120 square meters, the drying workshop accounts for 572 square meters, the algae blue protein extraction and cleaning workshop accounts for 3200 square meters, and the storage is in storage The heart accounts for 1360 square meters, and the laboratory accounts for 440 square meters.


The company has successively won the honorary titles of key leading enterprises of agricultural industrialization in the District, Wuzhong science and technology small and medium-sized enterprises, National Science and technology enterprises in October 2020, Yanchi county key leading enterprises and advanced group of industrial protection and growth in the whole county. In june2019, the company was invited to participate in the 12th China Exhibition of healthy natural materials and food ingredients. Spirulina products were widely received at the exhibition Customer's unanimous recognition.



联系人:Miss Niu
在线QQ: 点击这里
机构地址:No.490, S.Ning'an Str., Yinchuan,Ningxia 查看地图
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