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High Efficency (30%) Concentrated Photovoltaics -
编号:S000072098 刷新日期: 有效日期至:2020-05-22 浏览:2967 对接邀请:0
意向价格: 面议
行业分类: 装备制造业
所在区域: - 技术领域:能源与环保 - 可再生能源开发利用
专利类型: 技术成熟度:可以量产
SYSTEMDESIGN is a R&D Company providing services in the following areas:1) Research on renewable energies, in particular CPV - Concentrated Photovoltaic and CSP -Concentrated Solar Power.2) Systems and sensors for environment, indoor and outdoor air quality monitoring.3) Wireless sensor networks, IoT and cloud managment of remote machines. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------High Concentrating Photovoltaic (HCPV) SystemThe revolutionary, ST-0020 highly concentrate photovoltaic (HCPV) system enable solar energy generation at Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) competitive with other renewable and traditional sources, like wind turbines, natural gas and oil. The energy produced is totally green, just derived from sun, reducing in this way CO2 and other pollutant emissions. SYSTEMDESIGN ST-0020 system integrates high efficiency modules, advanced tracking, wireless communication and remote management into one elegant and reliable utility scale solution. SYSTEMDESIGN ST-0020 is the right solution for solar energy generation in high insolated regions. Why Concentrated PV?In high DNI regions, CPV systems use less land, less exposed panel surface and have a lower cost of energy compared to PV (Mono Si and Poly SI) or Thin Film installations. These important CPV advantages enable better land use, higher energy production, reduced cost of maintenance (less exposed panel surface means less glass to clean). SYSTEMDESIGN TechnologyThe ultimate 20 m2 tracking array rated at 6.2 KW/h of peak power is the solution dedicated to utility scale solar plants for the high DNI areas. The combination of high efficiency module based on high efficiency patented optical train, a reliable and highly accurate 2-axis tracking system, a sophisticated passive thermal management solution allows superior temperature performance and increased energy generation in hot climate regions. ST-0020 annual kWh production ratio can be 45% higher compared to traditional silicon PV. High Performance and Durability at High TemperaturesRated at operating temperature for accurate prediction of in-field power performance.? Very low degradation of power at high temperatures compared with silicon PV and thin film, where performance can degrade over 20% as temperatures increase.? Lower degradation over the time compared to silicon PV and thin film, where a typical 0.8% yearly decrease of rated peak power will reduce module performance to 85% of nominal power within 20 years. High Concentration, High Efficiency and Consistent Energy ProductionST-0020 advanced HCPV modules concentrate the sun 1,100:1 while most CPV systems are able to concentrate the sun only 500:1. This means less amount of expensive multi-junction cell material giving a substantial cost advantage.? ST-0020 high concentration system achieve a world-leading 31% efficiency, nearly double respect to a typical PV plant.? Dual axis tracking system provides a broad energy generation curve from sunrise to sunset.? High production throughout day for the best match to peak demand schedules. Low cost manufacturing? SYSTEMDESIGN HCPV systems use minimal components, standard low cost materials in a semi-automated assembly process.? Wide acceptable angle allows high module and tracker manufacturing tolerances reducing component manufacturing and assembly costs. Low installation cost? SYSTEMDESIGN HCPV systems mounting structure is delivered preassembled to the installation site allowing easy installation.? Each array installation requires a small crane and approximately 3 worker for 2 hours. Innovative high efficiency optical train system.ST-0020 module concentrate the sun by 1100:1 through the use of a refractive non imaging patented optical train based on an innovative primary and secondary optical design. A multi-point focus Fresnel lens in combination with a free form secondary optics allows a better light homogeneity on the cell avoiding any kind of chromatic aberration. In this case the optical efficiency of the train reaches a leading value of 80% allowing a 32.8% of aperture efficiencyat module level. A wider acceptable angle of the optical system allows furthermore a lower module manufacturing cost. High efficiency triple junction solar cells from space technologySYSTEMDESIGN HCPV technology is better suited than silicon PV in sunny, high temperature locations. This is because ST-0020 modules uses heat resistant, high efficiency GaInP/GaInAs/ wind and night stow position for safety and reliability. The controller is supplied with a web based on cloud monitoring software which allows to manage the system from remote locations. Cost effective and reliable thermal management system. A sophisticate and cost effective passive heat sink system allows the cells to work under acceptable thermal conditions also in high temperature locations like deserts and other hot climates allowing the HCPV system to work without the need of any water.Ge multi-junction cells derived from space technology, the same technology used on space satellites and in other space application by NASA like the Space Shuttle, the ISS and the most recent Mars Rovers.The small 5.5x5.5 mm cells are latticematched through a quantum dot nanotechnology for 1.5 AMD spectrum to achieve best module performance under 1000W/m2 DNI. In this conditions the cell reaches a 41% nominal efficiency at 1100 suns. High pointing accuracy tracker and controller ST-0020 system integrates a proprietary patented dual axis tracker and controller. The tracking system has been engineered for pointing accuracy, reliability, and safety, to deliver the highest energy yield (kWh). Using a smart combination of chronological ephemeris-based open loop tracking and a closed loop tracking based on a patented fine alignment sun pointing sensor, SYSTEMDESIGN HCPV controller achieves 0.05 degree pointing accuracy (more than the double respect to competitors), and triggers wind and night stow position for safety and reliability. The controller is supplied with a web based on cloud monitoring software which allows to manage the system from remote locations. Cost effective and reliable thermal management systemA sophisticate and cost effective passive heat sink system allows the cells to work under acceptable thermal conditions also in high temperature locations like deserts and other hot climates allowing the HCPV system to work without the need of any water.We are able to provide full solutions, module, trackers and management systems in 2 configutations:a) 6.0 kW systems for utility scaleb) 18.0 kW systems for utility scaleWe are also able to provide the following sub-systems:1) Trackers for CPV (tracking precision = 0.1°)2) Tracker control systems based on patented technology with remote management for CPV and CSPProfile of target partner:1) We are seaching for investors that are interested in CPV market.2) CPV systems are suitable for high DNI regions. We are seaching for partners that are already operating on this areas. Ideal way of cooperation: Investors, VC, business angels (funding) Licence agreementTechnical cooperationJoint Venture AgreementJoint research project Manufacturing/ subcontracting agreementCommercial agreementFinancial resourcesCommercial cooperation
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SystemDesign / Stelnet SR